Tuesday, July 22, 2008

7 Secrets Apprentice Program - Squidoo Secrets

Have you ever wondered what happened to good
old fashioned community?

We've gotten so used to email bombardment
and trashy websites that it's refreshing to finally
find a place where you can be part of something.

That's the case with a great site called Squidoo.

I've just been learning more about it myself and
I love everything I'm seeing about it:

--> It's free. Always.

--> You can make an interactive, Web 2.0
webpage in about 10 minutes (these are
called "lenses")

--> The philosophy behind the site is collaborative.

--> And you can use it to promote whatever
business, expertise, service, or hobby you wish.

Now although it's free, and relatively easy to
get started, it's great to have help in making
sense of everything you can do with the

I've been learning how to use the site a lot
faster with the help of Bob The Teacher.

Bob really knows what he's talking about.

He's had a lens hit #1 on the site, was picked
for Lens of the day a couple of times, and was
even highlighted in the New York Times for
his expertise in a really weird topic.

With Bob's help, I'm learning how to take this
free service and use it for affiliate marketing,
list building, expertise branding, and promoting
my business.

Would that help you out, too?

He's offering a full blown video tutorial course
for an awesome price, but even better...

You can check out Squidoo Secrets first
for free -- and see if it's the kind of thing
you'd like to pursue.

Download Bob's 7 Secrets To Success With Squidoo
Apprentice Program.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


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Monday, July 14, 2008

Share Results - Affiliate Partner

For the best results Share Results is the answer. Merchants and Affiliate programs partner together for dynamic results.


Partner with Share Results to increase your performance, achieve targeted results and join our community of hard working, passionate and successful affiliate marketers.


Tap into your site's full earning potential by joining the Share Results' community of hard-working, well-respected and successful affiliates.