Friday, May 6, 2011
Digi Darla is Launching a Challenge
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
post a link to your REDGAGE 365flowers collection HERE

365 Day Challenge - 365 Flowers Squidoo Feeds: Facebook FanPage

Day 4 - Wild Flower is the new Pink
Zoom in on wildflowers in the 365 Day Challenge

These might be bluebonnets and a couple of other Texas wildflowers (yellow and sage). Enjoy. These are Day 5 of the 365 Day Challenge.

This is a red rose photo showcasing the shadows and how they define the petals. The 365 Day Challenge, over the coming year, will showcase many of the photos Ive taken on a street in town as well as photos from hikes in my backyard.

I have no idea what the actual name of this flower is. In fact, you would be wise to assume all of my flower names are made up because I call them what they look like to me, not necessarily by their proper or common names. :D

This grasshopper was sitting under the shade of crepe myrtle blooms while waiting for the sun to move behind the trees so he could get back to the business of eating everything in site.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Today is Day 10 of 365 - Watch for TABS
GypsyOwl Joined The RedGage 365 Flowers-365 Days Challenge
365 Flowers on Redgage