Sunday, September 19, 2010

Heather Burns - Heather426 Lensmaster Showcase

Heather Burns  is
Today's Lensmaster Showcase Honoree

These are a couple of Heather's most recent Lens Sightings,

Even in the age of the internet it seems we get filtered news, especially regarding health. And yet there is a lot going on that concerned parents and citizens need to know to make important choices.As a mother, and a grandmother I am concerned about some of these issues, especially some of the stud...

With all the alarm over the potential pandemic of swine flu, I thought I would add in some of the results of my research about the 10 best immune system boosters because if your system is strong enough, you can resist viruses, and as the old saying goes:'An ouce of prevention is worth a pound of cur...

Heather is in the Top 100 Squidoo Lensmasters

Here is a list of The Top Rated 100 Lensmasters on Squidoo.This list is based on the ratings the Lensmaster received from their fellow Lensmasters, and includes the number of ratings each Lensmaster received. Are you on the list? Is your favorite Lensmaster on the list?

Be sure to visit Heather's Websites:

Deborah Bryan (AKA GypsyOwl)

Author of:

Complete E-Book Author's Guide: How To Write & Sell Your E-Book
My E-Book VA (Virtual Assistant to E-Book Authors) Sales Page Graphics, E-Book Covers & PDF Design. Complete Guide

GypsyOwl's Site Map on Facebook 

Posted via email from Squid GypsyOwl

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